What Could Go Wrong?

Photos by Lyn Buchanan
September 11, 2001

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How the city around our hotel looked first thing Tuesday morning. Then how bad the air got when the wind changed our direction, later that day.

As we were first able to see the smoke from the building, and showing the cloud of dust as it began to spread our way.

Some streets were deserted, and some were filled with people heading northwards, or milling around, not knowing what to do. The others held hundreds of dump trucks making their way to WTC.
Thursday: Broadway at 14th street (Union Square). Police had people and traffic cordoned off. Total chaos above 14th street, like a graveyard below it. Picture taken from the south side (we were in the war zone).

People wear masks or use their clothing to keep from breathing the smoke and hold back the strong smell of burning flesh.

Pleas for help in locating missing loved ones were everywhere.

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