August-September 2001

Session Analysis Machine

by Dick Allgire

All remote viewers know how rare it is to “call target,” to produce a session that is so close to 100% accurate that you can name the target from the data generated. More often than not viewers produce a combination of good and bad data. In analyzing RV data we look for the basic gestalts. Did the viewer identify the land correctly? If there are multiple manmade structures did the viewer describe those structures? Often beginners need the eye of an experienced instructor to show them why certain data is good, what is significant in their session.

Dr. Courtney Brown and the Farsight Institute have created a valuable tool for the remote viewing community. It’s called SAM, which stands for Session Analysis Machine. SAM is an automated, instant feedback tool that shows you how your data compares to the target at the most basic levels.

Here’s how you make use of SAM. Go the Farsight Institute web site: www.farsight.org. Click on the RESOURCES link on the home page graphic. When you get to the resources page, scroll down a bit and click on the link that says WORKSHOP AREA.

You will probably want to use the level two analysis, which is easy yet complex enough to give you some decent feedback on your session. Click on SESSION ANALYSIS MACHINE LEVEL 2.

You type in your name or nickname, click on the method of RV you are using, then select a “Target Of the Week.” The targets are identified by date, for example TOW 4NOV2001. You can use the automated system to generate your own random target ID. When I did a session I simply used “TOW 5NOV2001” as my target ID. It is your intent that gets you target.

You work your session, and then fill in a list of multiple choice questions about the target, describing the surface topology- land, water, natural, manmade, etc. to people, from single man or woman to a crowd or a “focused gathering.” On and on through temps, sounds, and other elements that describe the basic gestalts at the target. The system is very user friendly as you simply click on the multiple choices.

When you are done you hit a button and your get instant feedback: a photo of the target along with a printout of how you scored.

“The motivation behind building SAM,” explains Dr. Courtney Brown, “is that we remote viewers collect all sorts of data about a target, but then non-RVers say that there is no proof that RV works. That is, our usual method of analysis is not convincing to them. They say it is too subjective. The underlying problem is that there needs to be more work done using statistical approaches that correspond with the way our type of RV data is actually collected.”

It’s an easy way to find out if your session is statistically significant. And there is more to come. Dr. Brown tells us they will be adding new features and expanding SAM.

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