By Dick Allgire

The Islands of Hawaii are home to many mysteries. One such mystery is the case of the disappearance of Simon Owen. In June of 1994, on the island of Oahu, 21 year old Simon Owen set off to hike the popular Manoa Trail. Much visited by residents and tourists, the Manoa trail is a winding path ascending through lush vegetation and terrain that becomes radical near the summit ridge of the Ko’olau. Along the way are the Manoa Falls and points where the views are so breathtaking that one forgets the danger that nature hides within its beauty.

His disappearance spawned a series of searches by the Honolulu Police as well as volunteers and investigators. The family has been anxious to find any clues as to what happened to Simon. Several years after conventional efforts to obtain information on the fate of Simon had failed the Guild was contacted and asked to see if our viewers could generate any information that could assist in the efforts to determine what happened to him. The Detective for this case briefed the Guild representative who would actually task the target to the viewers. It was notable that the detective was extensively prepared and had every available fact needed to facilitate good solid tasking. The tasking went out to the Guild and work was begun on discovering what really happened to Simon.

Analysis was concluded on the viewer’s work and a report was formatted and presented to the detective handling the case who passed the information to the family. The detective arranged for Guild representatives to meet with some of the family who had flown in from the mainland. The family had been returning to the islands yearly to keep track of local search efforts and learn anything new that they could about Simon’s disappearance. One of the memories of that meeting that will always be with me is the endurance of the family in their search for answers. If I had never seen “Hope” before, I certainly saw it there, and it was strong and resolute. Hope that in some way we could help solve a mystery that needed to be solved.

As with all projects worked by the Guild, this project was conducted in accordance with established requirements for protocol. All personnel participating were blind to the target and a strict chain of custody of all data and analysis was observed.

The following is the actual report provided to the end user on this target. All session work, while not published here, was made available as well. Excerpts of raw data have been provided as necessary to illustrate points of interest.

Aloha Dick


  - A. Data Extraction Matrix
  - B. Working Notes
  - C. Scenario

1. At the request of [DELETED AT REQUEST OF AGENCY] the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild worked as a target of interest the disappearance of Simon Owen, a 21 year old man who went missing on July 29, 1994. The request was made to me, Dick Allgire, Vice President of the Guild.

2. After accepting the target I alone prepared the target for the guild to work. No one other than myself was aware of the nature of the target.

3. The target was worked at various times by nine viewers.

4. I did not work this target.

5. All of the viewers who worked the target did so totally blind to the nature of the target.

6. One viewer exhibited significant target contact during the S-5 monitored portion of his session. The other viewers provided significant corroborative data relative to a missing man hiking on a trail in steep terrain.

7. Upon completion all data was secured by myself and safeguarded for analysis.

8. I conducted the analysis and prepared this report under the supervision of Glenn Wheaton, President of the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild.

Dick Allgire
Vice President, HRVG

The following are determinations of the analyzed data that corroborated by two or more remote viewers working this target under blind conditions.

1. Simon Owen was hiking along a path or trail at a high elevation, in an area that is rocky and steep, with vegetation nearby.

2. Simon Owen was alone at the time of his disappearance.

3. Simon Owen was on a ledge and fell down a sheer, rocky slope.

4. Simon Owen is deceased.

5. He died as a result of internal injuries and head trauma, suffered during a fall.

6. Simon Owen’s remains are in an area surrounded by large rocks and dense vegetation.

Remote viewers using HRVG methodology follow a highly structured protocol. Each viewer will generate between 12 and 24 pages of data in an individual session. The pages of data will number between 1 and 20 or so. The pages are grouped in the following order.

VISIDS (visual ideograms) The Visids are a recording of imagery that the viewer actually sees or perceives during a drill called Blackboard.

SPONIDS (spontaneous ideograms) Sponids are spontaneously generated ideograms. They are executed very quickly (1/2 second). Once completed they are probed with the pen for the following data;

PL: (probe Legend) Is the target Complex or Simplex? This is a sensing probe for density of data.

   B: (Baseline) or (Basic) Is the target hard, soft, semi-hard, semi-soft

   I: (Intermediate) Is the target Manmade, natural, or artificial?

   A: (Advanced) Is the target dynamic or static?

PLAYFAIR The Playfair collection matrix is a 3D-collection matrix used to extract data from the SPONIDS. The matrix consists of rows and columns. Rows are a, b, c, etc. Columns are 1, 2, 3, etc. The blocks where data is recorded are called cells, IE, cell A1 will be the first sights cell in column 1.

All data collected from probing the SPONIDS are checked against all other column titles. That is to say a sight collected on blackboard while probing Sponid 1 will be probed to see if it makes sounds, if it smells or tastes, its temperature and texture. You will see a shaded area in some cells; this is a marker to let the analyst know where a data thread originated. Everything is checked against everything else.

S2 NIMO PLAYFAIR This matrix is used the same as in Playfair except that instead of probing the SPONIDS for the data the viewer probes NIMO (neuro interrogation mask overlay) for the data. This probing is just a bit more complex because not only do you probe the Nimo icon but also you emulate the NLP recall or construct body language while probing. This data falls under 3 levels, visual, audio, and kinesthetic. There is in addition a P column or phaseline. The viewer can comment here as to what the data thread means. If a sight was generated and it had sounds associated with it, etc then a comment may be something like, this device is on, or off, passive, dynamic, static, etc.

The overall premise to S2 is that the viewer has had plenty of contact with the signal line from Visids to Playfair and is now modeling data within the memory of that contact and putting the mind and body in the proper alignment to recall and quantify it.

S2 PHONICS Is where we dump the sounds and words out of our heads picked up along the way so far. This is not where you think of new words but were the words in your mind are dumped.

S3 Consolidation This is where the data collected so far is consolidated onto a single page. This can be in the form of a site sketch annotated with data or a simple logical placement of data and graphics.

CASCADE Is where we capture impressions and visuals, a legend is made of major aspects of the collected work from the S3. The legend allows for individual aspects of the target to be isolated and taken to blackboard for visual acquisition and also to a cascade galley to be bounced off Nimo for probes and impressions. If there is a structure 1 in the cascade legend it will have a blackboard visual page sketch as well as a cascade galley structure 1 for impressions from probing Nimo in recall posture from the target visit in blackboard.

Edging Is where the viewer does 22 to 25 cycles of a breathing exercise to off-gas carbon dioxide, when the cycles are done the viewer comes to a complete stop. Does not move a muscle, does not breathe, just a very intense focus on blackboard for visual data. This focused look can last up to 30 seconds.

S5 MORPHEUS Begins with the viewer doing a priming drill (pushing blackboard) to drive down the awareness of the primary consciousness to the low alpha level bordering on high theta. Once there a monitor is needed.

S6 is a diarization of data collected in session.


Declarations are elements within the data collected that are of interest.

· In S-5 monitored viewer Jim K. reports a lone human male at the target.

· In S-2 viewer Jimmy reports a single human. In Playfair viewer Sita reports a single human. In Playfair viewer George reports a single human. In S-2 viewer Jan reports a single human.

· In S-2 viewer Jimmy reports the smell of sweat and body odor. In S-2 viewer Sita reports the smell of sweat.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim K. reports forest. In S-2 viewer Jason reports tree/vegetation. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports palms. In S-4 Cascade viewer George reports vegetation, green plants, ferns, and trees. In Playfair viewer Pame reports palms.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim K. reports sloping terrain. In S-5 he reports very steep terrain. In S-4 cascade viewer Kathy reports sloping hills. In S-4 Cascade viewer Jimmy reports steep peaked land. In S-4 Cascade viewer Jason reports steep sloping land. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports sloping peaked land. And in S-2 and S-3 viewer Valtra draws peaked land.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim K. reports rocky terrain. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports boulders all around. In S-4 Cascade viewer George reports lots of rocks.

· In S-2 viewer Kathy reports blowing wind and whistling wind. In S-2 viewer Sita reports strong blowing wind. In Playfair viewer Valtra reports wind.

· In S-5 viewer Jim K. reports a man on a ledge. In S-3 viewer Sita reports a person on a ledge.

· Jim K. also drew and described a muddy trail through dense vegetation (trees). He sketched a man sitting on a rock, and then described him as continuing on up to the ridge.

· (See attachment J2)

· In S-6 Diarization viewer Jim K. reports a muddy trail. In S-3 viewer Sita reports a pathway.

· In S-2 viewer Jim reports a shuffling sound. In S-2 viewer Sita reports the sound of shuffling.

· In Diarization viewer Jason reports “the air was very misty/foggy.”

· In S-4 Cascade Land 1 viewer Kathy reports “wind howling,” “elevation,” and “light headed.”

· In the S-5 monitored portion of his session viewer Jim K. described and drew a trail going up to a steep ridgeline. He drew a road and water off to the distance below. He then sketched something falling and tumbling down the slope into dense brush and rocks.

· (See attachment J1)

· In Playfair viewer Sita reports the sound of a thump. In Playfair viewer Valtra reports the sound of thudding. In S-2 viewer George reports the sound of thumping. In S-2 viewer Jan reports the sound of thumping.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim reports downward tumbling energy (motion). In S-4 Cascade viewer Jimmy reports downward tumbling energy (motion). In S-4 Cascade viewer Valtra reports something moving fast, twirling, out of control. In S-4 Cascade viewer Jan reports something big falling.

· In S-2 viewer Kathy reported, “soft- sink into,” followed by “plunging.”

· Jim K. then described and sketched the man falling down a steep slope. In his summary he said the man “fell or was pushed” and is probably dead. (Note: no other viewers reported data indicating he was pushed, or that another individual was present.) Viewer Jim K. reports very dense bushes and rocks at the location of the body.

· (See attachment J3)

· (See attachment J4)

· Both viewers Jimmy and Jim K. produced similar sketches that represent a human figure in a diagonal posture indicating diagonal downward motion (tumbling and falling.) George also drew a human figure in a diagonal posture on a downward slope.

· In S-2 viewer Valtra reports “hard landing.”

· In S-2 viewer Sita reports the smell of blood. Throughout stage one and stage two viewer Pame reports the smell of blood.

· In S-5 viewer Kathy reports someone in severe pain. In S-5 viewer Sita reports a person bruised with contusions and lacerations. In Phonics viewer Valtra reports internal injuries. In S-2 viewer Pame reports a single human with head trauma.

· In S-5 viewer Jim K. reports a man has fallen down a steep slope and died. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports a body. In Playfair viewer Pame reports a dead body. In Phonics viewer Jim K. reports “dead.”

· In S-1 Playfair viewer Kathy reports the smell of something decaying. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports a rotting smell. In stages 1 and 2 viewer Pame reports the smell of decay.

· In S-4 Cascade Land 1 viewer Sita reports “ravine,” “deep grooves,” “mysterious disappearance,” “fresh air,” “something rotting away.” In S-4 Cascade Structure viewer Sita reports “hidden inside valley, boulders all around.”

· In S-4 Cascade (Land 1) viewer George reports “sounds of rocks shifting.” George also reports “under rock” in S-2 Phonics. In S-4 Cascade (Life: Vegetation) viewer George reports: “many fern like plants all around.”

· In S-4 Cascade (Structure 1) viewer Jason reports “High atop.” In Phonics viewer Jason reports: “adventurous,” “help,” “injured.”

· In S-6 Diarization viewer Sita reports “missing,” “people searching,” “women involved.”

· In Phonics viewer Pame reports “cops contact family ask questions.”


PRIMARY LOCATION N 21° 20.852’ W 157° 47.152

The primary location of interest is a triangular area of 800 feet by 786 feet by 768 feet, in steep terrain from 1500 feet rising to 2000 feet in the vicinity of the upper ravine that forms the beginning of Maunawili Stream.

[see map 1 Overview]

[see map 2 Primary Location]

If possible search the primary location area, in addition to a search of the area directly below the primary location. Over the recent years with time, wind, rain, the natural draw of the terrain, and gravity surely residue from any physical remains in this area would be washed down to the upper portion of Maunawili Stream.

SECONDARY LOCATION N 21° 20.456’ W 157° 47.229

The secondary location is a triangular area 100 feet by 122 feet by 129 feet located near the top of the ridge at N 21° 20.456’ W 157° 47.229. This a very small area and it is on the windward side of the ridgeline.

[see map 3 Secondary Location]

TERTIARY LOCATION N 21° 20.556’ W 157° 47.239

The tertiary location is a point at 2024 feet elevation. This location is approximately 566 feet from the secondary location on an azimuth of 338° magnetic from the secondary location and is radical vertical terrain.

[see map 4 Tertiary Location]

We have provided a 3-dimensional overview of the area for reference.

[see map 5 3-D overview]

[Click on images to see larger version.]

The red circles indicate encrypted reference locations. Viewers determined direction to target from these known locations.)






As the analyst of this project, my recommendation is that the primary, secondary and tertiary locations are probable areas for the remains of Simon Owen. At a minimum analysis reveals a high possibility that Simon fell to the north of the ridgeline making location of remains on the windward side of the ridge probable.

If this case continues to remain unresolved additional information can be obtained by the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild at a later date.



· There is a single human at this target, probably a male.

· The smell of sweat and human body odor is probably associated with this target.

· There is vegetation present at the target, possibly forest with trees, including palms and ferns.

· There is land at the target that is steep, sloping, and peaked.

· The terrain at this target is rocky.

· There is strong blowing wind present at the target.

· There is possible a trail or pathway present at the target.

· A shuffling sound may be present at this target.

· There is a thumping/thudding sound associated with the target.

· There may be a person on a ledge at the target.

· There is downward tumbling movement associated with this target.

· There is probably blood present at the target.

· There is an injured human, possibly with contusions, lacerations and head trauma at the target.

· A smell of decay and rotting is present at the target.

· There is a dead body at the target.


A man is alone on a trail in steep rugged terrain surrounded by forest and vegetation. The man falls and tumbles down a steep incline, and suffers fatal injuries.

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