NEWS: Analysis & Commentary
Firedocs, and Speaking Her Mind
By Cheryle Hopton
On November 1, 1995, Palyne "PJ" Gaenir took up the challenge and began studying remote viewing. In December 1995, she unveiled a web site called Firedocs, which served as a "collection point" of links for her various personal projects, as well as her favorite topic -- remote viewing.
Three and a half years later, on July 4, 1998, after working extensively with the public and media on behalf of CRV, she said she was "declaring her independence," and shocked the RV community (among others) by boldly publishing the original DIA/Army Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual on the Internet. Then she quietly retired from public view.
In the past, she was known for welcoming students of any method into her projects, as well as psychics, and the public, but she is also known for very strongly pushing the RV scientific protocol. Today, in retrospect, she goes so far as to wryly refer to herself publicly as a “former CRV parrot.” Perhaps that’s why some people expect her to be true to a particular method or theory, and therefore consider her unpredictable. She says she supports those with earnest intent, and who promote what she sees as “the greater good of RV.”
She fights for what she believes in, and says what she thinks. She tells us her opinions are not based on who is her friend -- or not; that she takes what she sees as a fair, right, just, and appropriate position on any given issue, with her personal likes and dislikes being secondary. She jokes that it’s painful to sometimes defend people she is not fond of, or pick on people she really likes, but “someone’s gotta do it.”
As with most of us, her views have changed a bit over the years, but if you take the time to read through this interview and Firedocs, you’ll get a glimpse into the whole person. You will also learn a lot about remote viewing.
[Questions and answers via email, July 2002]
How did you first become interested in Remote Viewing, and what influenced your decision to become involved?
I was talking to David Pursglove (author of Zen in the Art of Close Encounters) online, Halloween 1995 about PK. I said, "If you could bend a fork, you could stop a man's heart. Psi has serious military and ethical considerations." He said, "Speaking of psi and the military! Last week I was at a private group where a man who'd been a psychic for the DIA spoke. He trains people to do what he does. He only accepts people via reference, but I'll give you one if you want to contact him." I knew it was the thing I would do. Not just maybe, not just hopefully, it was like it was already worked out; I was instantly obsessed. I sent an email to Leonard "Lyn" Buchanan, and heard back from him the next day. We emailed almost daily until April of 1996 when I went out to see him in MD for 5 days of CRV training. Back then he taught one-on-one.
Who trained you in RV, and what was the initial methodology?
Well, first I learned via email with Lyn, as his experiment to see if such a thing "could" be taught via writing. (He said he concluded I could learn it that way, but most couldn't.) Then I trained some in person with Lyn, a great introduction. Then I trained some with Paul Smith. Then some more with Lyn. I trained "informally" with two former intell people I cannot name in ERV and late-stage CRV, and there's a lot of little stuff. I was introduced to many people in intell and science, some of whom aren't public, which I picked up info from over time. I've trained informally with graduates of TRV and SRV to see what they were like, and others. I've had the benefit of years of correspondence with Joe McMoneagle and Dr. Edwin May, and I have to credit them as being highly educational, and kind to share their time. And, I have trained myself, and discovered some things about myself, which is what this all comes down to in the end.
What were the early days in the civilian remote viewing community like?
Chaos. I answered Lyn's email for a long time, plus my own, plus Usenet and web BBS and CompuServe stuff -- massive quantities of typing. (In early ’98, I counted over 60,000 separate posts from me in my archives!) But 99% of everything I did was dis-educating the public from the crazy stuff they thought was RV. People who’d heard Ed Dames were sure the world was ending "Real soon now," and people who’d heard Courtney Brown were on a "Save the Martians" campaign, and people who’d read David Morehouse thought RV was some kind of cosmic orgasm! And of course, everybody thought with just a few thousand bucks and a week you could be nearly omniscient.
At the end of '95 I made a website called RV Science as I "had a feeling" that this was desperately needed for the public and media. I had psychologists and physicists around the world share their work with me, but Drs. Puthoff and May were buried in the media frenzy, didn't know me from Adam, and wouldn't respond to me. So I closed it before it opened -- a big loss. (I did get a nice website for Dr. Charles Tart out of it.) So my early work is invisible. After that I stuck with a focus on CRV, until I found my perception of what was "important" and "real" changing to a much wider scope.
There was no "civilian community" in RV then. "Community" is an overstatement. There was a ton of interested, hyper people, a few self-dubbed gurus -- and me trying to be a one-man savior of RV's reputation on the Internet. (McMoneagle had an RV book out since ‘93, Mind Trek, and that did help a lot as a reference.) Over time, more "cohesion" began to take place in the layman's RV field. Alas, what this mostly brought together was methodology training, not necessarily RV in a larger context.
How did you gain access to the DIA/Army CRV Manual?
A couple former intell people sent me a copy, and a number of TRV students sent me a copy. I had half a dozen or more before I put it online. It had been used by Psi-Tech in TRV training, but it was like a millionth-generation bad photocopy, not even redone, and it still had the CRV cover on it! Which was funny because Ed was on the radio insisting TRV "Started where Ingo's CRV left off" and such, yet here he was teaching the CRV manual. But Ed was giving the manual as part of training, whereas Lyn had his own manual, and Paul doesn't have a manual. So other than the intell guys, TRV students were the main source. I received a lot of private stuff from TRV/SRV students who appreciated my being open to them as viewers when nobody else really was.
The CRV Manual was first published in the civilian community on your website. What led to your decision to publish the manual, and were you apprehensive about the task of transcribing it, and the possible repercussions?
I'd spent 2.5 years counseling people by phone, email, in written letter and in person, who had bad experiences in RV methods training. They'd been tasked on their own deaths during training, on the destruction of earth, on aliens and religious subjects, and so on. They had profound cognitive dissonance issues. Most of them were trashed as viewers; it would take years to work out the psychology. Many had trashed their lives, left spouses, spent kids' college funds and more as a result of the panic and obsession their "training" had caused. My personal studies prior to RV were in hypnosis, and I saw it as cult indoctrination -- the viewer "being open" and the monitor there to "guide and correct" them is a totally hypnotic modality.
The way I saw it, it boiled down to the "big secret" of methods. I figured once the CRV manual was public, people wouldn't need to risk their psychology -- let alone big money -- just to "see what it was about." I also thought some of the "ostentatious" stuff would be obvious -- the "technical doubletalk" done on the radio would be seen for what it was. I figured those who really wanted personal training would take it anyway, and since I'd made probably half a mill for a couple of trainers (and I'd made zero), I no longer cared about harming their income.
I wasn't worried about putting it online once I figured out nobody could legally prosecute me for it. And, I was angry about the way things had gone in the layman's RV field, to be honest. I considered it my "final gift" to the public when I retired from RV on 7/4/98. I wasn't going to be around to defend RV anymore, so I hoped having the "secret" in hand would do what I hadn't been able to do -- bring some sanity to the field.
"PJ" Gaenir
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